Thursday, December 11, 2008

First Snow

Our first snow arrived this evening. We got about 2 inches. John loved it...Molly not so much. While we were standing in the snow she was saying "Don't!" The bottom image is one of our snowman lights covered in snow.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Believers Beware!

Well, we are almost to the end of W's time in the Oval Office, and the truth just hit the fan. I will warn the reader that I am most definitely, not in any way politically savvy. Just ask the reporter from the AP who approached Amy and me at the SBC annual meeting this year prior to the presidential election asking us qeustions about John McCain. One question concerning McCain's record on the abortion issue was answered by yours truly, "I think he's pro-choice!" Mr. AP quickly replied, "No, he's openly, plainly, clearly pro-life. Staunchly pro-life. His voting record strongly supports it." So, I prove my point about my political ineptness.

But when it comes to W, I think the overwhelming majority of evangelicals were embarasingly duped about his understanding of orthodox Chrisitianity. In an article on AOL's news page, George makes the statement that he does not believe the Bible is literally true. "I'm not a biblical literalist," Bush said. I had some misgivings about "W" along the way through his eight year presidency, but I supported him and I liked him. I still do like him, but I am deeply disappointed in where he is in life. I am particularly concerned about his relationship with God.

In the interview, George made this statement which I will paraphrase, "I got back into religion and I stopped drinking. I was a one-step plan guy. That's all I know." His continual use of the term "the Almighty" show reverence for God but seem to reveal an impersonal understanding of the personal God revealed in the Bible. I rarely hear brothers and sisters in our church or any Christians that I feel truly know God refer to the God that revealed Himself to them on a very personal level as the aloof Almighty. The Almighty which is far, far beyond us and seemingly unknowable. This concept of God seems to say that He is just out there randomly helping people like George. Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with the term Almighty, but how does George Bush assume to know the Almighty if the Bible is not literally true? It seems that may be unlike many and I fear many in our church pews, who "know" God not through the revealed, inspired words of the Bible but through their own understanding and experience.

Mr. Bush (a term my wife has despised when it comes out of the mouths those liberal reporters) or Mr. President Bush also said that he believes that the God he prays to is the same god that everyone else is praying to. This is very troubling to me especially when I remember going to the SBC annual meeting in Nashville 2005 and watching Geroge W. address a convention of what I considered primarily conservative Bible believing Christians with a "let's go get 'em boys" rally.

My point is simply and plainly this - As Christians we must be sure that our allegiance is tied to NO ONE, NO ONE other than Jesus the Christ, Lord of all and Savior of the believer. We need to learn a valuable lesson in all this. When it comes to politics, politicians deserve our vote and even our support but they DO NOT DESERVE OUR HOPE. Our hope should be reserved for no one but Jesus because the ultimate government will rest on His shoulders. No human politician is going to usher in another golden age in this country or this world. By the way Christian believers, also beware of someone who claims the name of Christ but will not place his hand on a Bible to be sworn in to the the highest known human position of leadership on the planet. Beware of a man who has membership in a local body of believers where the "preacher" spews words of racial hate and slander, but changes that membership ONLY when that membership is scrutinized in public.

Christians must not withdraw from the political process. We cannot become isolationists to borrow a foreign policy term. However, we must inject our beliefs into society not through elected officials but through our own lives lived in relation to others who need the salt and light, the truth in love.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


We had a great time tonight celebrating Brad's birthday. We went to Opryland Hotel to see all of the Christmas decorations and then over to Opry Mills to see Santa. John talked Santas ear off while Molly screamed at him. She did not care who he was or what he might bring her.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Pictures

Halloween 08 a dalmation and a Blue Power Ranger

Molly loves ink pens!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Sad Night

I heard a thud a few minutes ago. I think that it was Ronald Reagan rolling over in his grave. How does a country, this country, elect a man who thinks that the Star Spangeled Banner is offensive? How does that happen? I am so perplexed by this election. My immediate reponse is to move my family to Texas and lead the effort to suceed from the Union and start the Conservative States of America. Anyone want to tag along? I just do not see how America could miss it. I guess that I have been naive too long. After all this is the same America that rejoiced over the legalizaion of murdering unborn babies and the same America that values tolerance over truth.
In the midst of this there are so many scriptures coming to mind and I am so thankful and comforted that no matter what my God has overcome it all and in the end it will all be for His glory.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Brad preformed his second wedding ceramony tonight. He did a fantastic job. We rarely have an occasion to really dress up so I thought I would post this picture.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Zoo

Today was our annual "Beautiful Friday in October" trip to the zoo. We have done this now for three years in a row and it has become a fun tradition. The elephants and giraffes are our favorites. However, Molly was fascinated with the merecats.

Monday, September 29, 2008


This is John, Molly and Grandaddy in their tent. John and my dad have been "camping" for two weekends in a a row. The first night they slept in the tent I stayed up until 1:45 am waiting for them to come in but they stayed outside all night long.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This weekend is opening weekend for the movie FireProoof. I am a huge fan of this movie. Brad and I were able to see a preview showing at the Southern Baptist Convention in June. It is so well written and thought provoking. I cried a lot, but I also laughed a lot. I urge you to see this movie if you are married. It will be the cheapest marriage counseling you will ever receive. =) For more info check out the like at the bottom of the blog.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Take on Palin

For the past few days I have been captivated by Sarah Palin. I have researched and read and pondered and tried to decide how I feel about her. I am not sure that I have made a final decision, but I sure was impressed with her speech last night. Politically I am as excited as can be that John McCain chose her. However, as a mother I am struggling to support her. I feel the same tugs that I felt while Brad was in seminary. For so long my world rotated around politics and public policy. I had dreams of running for office or writing legislation. Law School only fueled that. But then....suddenly with the birth of John Patrick and some "Moore and Mohler" indoctrination, something happened. Politics and law degrees lost all luster. Motherhood became much more important. When John was 15 months old I entered the corporate work force. I hated it. It was misery. The thought of my child being with someone other than me was nauseating. I realized that there was nothing more important to me than being a mother. Sure there are days when I struggle now and no one was more excite about Mother's Day Out starting than me....but I promise that my worst day ever as a stay at home mom was far better than my best day of work in the corporate world.

I refuse to condemn working mothers as I know that many have to work. However, I truly believe deep down that where I am is the best place to be. Daycare makes me sick. I can not imagine leaving my children for 50 hours a week with someone else. My obligation in life is to my children to raise them and to teach them about the love and work of Jesus. Maybe someday I will use my education. I certainly have felt the pressure from almost everyone that I know. Maybe that is the pressure that Sarah Palin feels. I hope she does well and I certainly hope she wins....but I do not envy her in the least. It is not the road I would choose and I am afraid that while the rest of us will benefit tremendously from having her in office, there are five children out there who will suffer immensely.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

First Day of School

Last week the day that John Patrick has been longing for for months arrived....the first day of "school". Since his last day in May he has been asking when he would be able to go back to school. Tuesday was registration day and we only stayed for about an hour. John was so upset that he did not get to eat his lunch there and play on the playground. He cried and cried because we did not stay for "a long time". On Thursday morning he informed me that he needed to stay at school for a long time and that I needed to leave him there and go far far away. The good thing about a response like this is that I know that he is happy and well taken care of. Molly also started at the WEE school last week. I debated whether or not she was ready and whether or not I was ready, but after strong coaxing from my mother, I let her go. I was so worried about her all day and I was sure that she would cry all day. When I picked her up I was informed that she did great and only cried when it was time for lunch. I must admit I was a little broken hearted that she did not protest my absence.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Visitor

This sweet little guy showed up at our house on Sunday. He really needs a good home and I do not have the heart to take him to the pound. I would love to keep him, but my children are terrified of him. Molly screams a horrible scream and scrunches up her shoulders every time she sees him. John refuses to go outside. So...any takers?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Send Revival

Today we had the first day of our revival meetings which will last through Wednesday, and Rev. Jason Groe preached this morning and evening. God is stirring in my heart and in the hearts of some others. I could see it in the faces of several people in the congregation tonight as we closed the service. One lady did come forward and ask for prayer and forgiveness for simply not doing some things God has been wanting her to do.

That goes for me also. There are many things in my life that need to be "better." The word should not actually be better, but "obedient."

It's amazing to me how we can one day be on the mountain of our faith feeling as if nothing can blow us off, and the next day we can turn our back on God for a few pieces of silver. He deserves so much more from me.

One major point the preacher made tonight was this among others, men and women throughout history have tried to find "it" through many other avenues. It being satisfaction, fulfillment, redemption, you name it. People have tried to find wholeness in every other thing under the sun, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing that will fulfill mankind except having redemption through the person of Jesus Christ. It's simply the way God designed it. It's the truth. It's the facts, no matter how much we try (as God's people or not) to find satisfaction in any other thing God has designed before the world began that humans would need salvation through Jesus Christ and Him alone.

Be honest with God. Do you need revival, and if you do, have you asked Him for it. Be honest with yourself.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quick Update

We have been so blog negligent over the past two weeks. I remember at the beginning of summer when John got out of school I wondered what we would do to fill our days. HA! We have yet to be bored. We spent the weekend of the 4th at home in Franklin. John loved shooting "fire shots" (fireworks) with uncle Daniel. This week we went to the Discovery Museum in Murfreesboro with our friends the Fosters and we had a great time.

While we were there John enjoyed playing "Kroger". They had a great "store" where the children could grocery shop and then check out and bag their purchase. Here John is checking out while Molly is working the conveyer .

Here is Fireman John without the overcoat.

And here is Molly being Molly.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog, That is the question.

Amy and I have been mulling over the idea of having this blog for about 2-3 years before we actually started it. We first had the idea to have one because it seemed that we were the only ones that didn't have one.

At the time we were reading other blogs that were mainly theologically oriented, and we were reading cites that were addressing certain people's feelings toward other well known people within Southern Baptist circles.

Initially I wanted to blog so that I could express my opinions in response to some of the other things that I had read. I agreed with some of the assessments and criticisms of some of the bloggers (floggers may be a more appropriate designation), but the tone of many was a turn-off.

I am glad that we waited to start this blog, and we enjoy our friends who also have family blogs.

Blogs seem to me to be primarily places of self-expression. Many people stomp and rant as they express their opinions and pose as experts in the field they are addressing. Don't get me wrong, I have my faults (just ask my wife), and I can rant with the best of them (just ask my wife), but I can also be wrong a lot of the time with some of my opinions (just ask my wife - she hears it all).

We live in a world of humanism among many other -isms. People are worshipping themselves and I think that some of the blogs out there are simply forms of self worship. People who think a whole lot of themselves.

I guess my driving point comes down to this - the world doesn't need another opinion especially mine. We all need to be willing to speak up at times, but we also need to listen.

God is teaching me consitently that if left to my own opinions, my own intellect, my own energy, or left to my own in general, I am inadequate.

Being a pastor is the most humbling thing I have ever done because I struggle each week to do an admirable job for God and Jesus, and be a good husband and dad. To be honest, much of the time, most of the time I fall short, and my inadequacy is before me.

Don't hear me saying that I think I am worthless. I'm not. God loved me enough to send Jesus His Son to die for me and you, and that means we are worth a whole lot.

But sometimes our opinions aren't worth much. After all, they're just opinions.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Steps and First Fruits

Molly is finally walking and our garden is finally producing vegtables!

Molly has been standing on her own now for months. However, she refused to walk. She would just stand up and stand there awhile and then crawl off. Mom and dad were here this weekend and she started walking to my dad. Sunday night she walked all the way down the aisle at church. I am sure it was because she had an audience. The bigger the better.

Last night we had squash from our garden for dinner. It was so exciting. All of my life my parents have had a garden. I will always remember my dad coming home from work, picking some vegtables and then making them for supper. When I was younger, fresh squash and cucumbers were not exciting. They were boring and overrated. However last night I peeled a cucumber and soaked it in vinger and ice (just like my daddy did every night) and it was like magic in my kitchen. It was so good.

Here is our garden and one of the tomato plants. We have tomatos galore. I am sure that momma and I will be canning soon.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

John and Molly

I thought I would add a few pictures.
This is John at Play Day on his last day of Mother's Day Out. He loved his school and he is having a hard time understanding the concept of summer break. Molly loved fun day. My friend Melanie got this funny shot of Molly. That is her tongue where her top lip should be.
This morning I was working in the office and Molly was playing. I turned around to check on her because she was so quiet and she had crashed.
Here we are at Sticky Fingers our favorite place to eat in Chattanooga.

Easy Come...Easy Go

Saturday Brad and I witnessed a small miracle. We picked up John and Molly on Thursday night from mom and dad's. We bathed them before we left so that we could put them straight to bed when we got home. As I was putting John to bed I noticed that he was burning up. He was fine when we left mom's so I chalked it up to weather and the ride in the carseat. Before I went to bed I checked on him agian. It was obvious then that he had a raging fever. It was 103.4! I gave him some Tylenol and checked on him through the night. He complained of a sore throat and a headache and I quickly diagnosed him with strep. When we got to the Dr. on Friday I could tell that he was concerned. The strep test was negative and when Dr. Lee looked at his throat I knew by his demeanor that something was not good. He did some bloodwork and concluded that John had a virus that had caused a paratonsil abcess. His right tonsil was so swollen that it was pushing his uvula ( the little hanging thing in your throat) to the side. He mentioned the word hospital but he let us come home as long as we called if anything changed. John was so sick. When we came home he walked straight to his bed. That night we gave him his meds and watched him closely. We discussed how it would take him several days to get better and we arranged our Saturday and Sunday schedules around one of us being at home and one of us being at church and the VBS Kick-Off on Saturday. We were ready. Well Saturday morning John was fever free and running around like nothing had ever happened. Brad and I were totally amazed at how he could get so sick so fast and then get well so quickly. They say kids are resilient.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mr. Green Jeans

The title of this post is a little confusing because the topic of this entry is not the character on the children's TV show Captain Kangaroo. The subject is about me being a gardener now. Maybe I should have given this a title like, "Mr. Green Thumb" but green jeans is more accurate. I tend to get dirty in the garden.

When Amy and I moved here to Shop Springs we were excited that there was a garden plot, a big garden plot. When we moved in last Fall, Cordell (one of the church members) asked if I would like for him to turn the garden under for the winter and how much should he work up. I said about half because I knew that if I planted the entire garden it would break me down.

Well, he worked up half last fall then came back early this Spring and worked up the entire plot so I felt obligated to sow the entire garden.

When we started talking about the garden, Amy was very excited, "We can plant that garden and eat our own vegetables!" To which I was responding in my mind, "Do you not realize how much work that is!"

So, I went and bought about $30 worth of seed: corn, brussel sprouts, honey dew melon, water melon, cantelope, okra, turnip greens, and 108 tomato plants. I also bought some hoes, garden hose, and sprinkler head. This gardening is costing me something I was thinking.

When people asked what I had planted I would tell them, and through their responses I have learned about gardening. "What, you only planted one row of corn! You're supposed to plant at least two rows so they will germinate. What, you planted turnip greens! You're not supposed to plant those until Fall. HOW MANY TOMATO PLANTS DID YOU PLANT? Why 108?"

My wife educated me even more (after the tomato plants were in for several weeks), "Do you realize that we could have 200-300 tomatos a day!"

My point is this... don't be afraid to try something new because you will learn in the process.

I have never planted a garden in my life, and I will have to ask someone else when it's time to harvest some of the stuff I planted.

In life there are so many things God wants to do through us, miraculous things if we would simply be willing to follow Him and try new things that we are not comfortable doing. He will teach us in the process.

The miraculous things can take many forms. Sometimes they are outward for others to see and sometimes they may be inside us where others can only see the results on the outside.

At the pastor's conference last week Amy and I saw a movie preview for Fireproof, a new movie made by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, GA. Who would have ever thought that a church could do something like produce, fund and cast a major motion picture? But they did through God's enabling, something most people would say couldn't be done.

When I felt God calling me to ministry, the farther I went down the path of following His will the stronger I would hear the message, "You can't do this. You're not smart enough, organized enough, or confident enough!" I went for a long time allowing some of those messages to intimidate me and even distract me. Paul said that God didn't put him into ministry because he was special. That's the whole point. God wants to do special stuff in ordinary people like you and me.

What part of your life is missing the hand of God? Maybe your whole life is missing the touch of God. If we are willing to be yielded to Him, He promises to take care of our every need.

Maybe you need to plant your own garden. You just might learn something new.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Post SBC Annual Meeting post

Well, this is the 3rd time I have tried to post this but here we go again.

This was my 2nd and Amy's 1st, and overall it was a very good trip.

We are both energized after hearing some great and challenging preaching on revival and personal repentance. We want to GROW and lead others to serve boldly.

I also learned a few a things.

I learned #1 - to take up for my wife. After leaving the convention hall on eday for lunch I was the only sucker to be approached and actually engage a fellow (over)zealous brother over the matters of Arminianism vs. being a five-pointer. My jumped in to defend me but she heard, "Excuse me, I'm talking with THE PASTOR!" She wasn't happy and I didn't walk off in support of Amy. Lesson learned - I was a failure for not calling him out.

Lesson #2 - Be informed, at least a little. As Amy mentioned, we were interviewed by the AP, and to say the least I was ashamed that I had not taken the time to be informed about the presidential candidates. I felt like a baffoon when I read my quote (Google "Brad and Amy Brandon SBC") about John McCain being pro-choice.

Anyway, it was a great trip for those reasons and many more. Now we are back in Lebanon, TN at Shop Springs Baptist Church preparing for VBS next week.

Give us aid against the foe, for human help is worthless. With God we will perform valiantly, He will trample our foes. Isaiah 60:11-12

Is God your aid against all foes? He can be. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You shall seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart."

May God bless you,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


This is my first time to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. Before I came I heard plenty of stories. Some have called it a circus and some have called it a long boring business meeting, but for me it has been an exahausting joy. We arrived Sunday for the Pastor's Conferece. We heard some fantasitc preaching. Monday morning I attended a session just for pastors wives and I left ready to take on life. The actual business began on Tuesday and although it did have its dry spells, I really enjoyed being a part of the voting and decision making. We saw many old friends from seminary and we got to hear Dr. Mohler speak. Just hearing him encourages both Brad and I. We are worn out from the week but we are refreshed and renewed and ready to go home and work. My first convention was great and I am already excited about next year. Call me crazy. By the way, Brad and I were interviewed by the Associated Press today about the upcoming Presidental Election. We were not prepared and you can tell by our responces. If you need a good laugh google Amy or Brad Brandon and SBC.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Alas, we have joined the world of blogging. Brad and I decided to share a blog since between the two of us, we might be able to keep it up. Brad has declined to write on this our maiden voyage as it is Saturday night and he is reading over and fussing over his final draft of his sermon for tomorrow morning. We laugh about Saturday nights because it never fails that if there is one night during the week when something goes wrong during the middle of the night, it will happen on Saturday night. We spent this weekend in Franklin and we got home just in time for baths and night night milk so it may be a long night for him. His sermons are finished well before Saturday night 98% of the time, but he spends most Saturday nights and evenings reworking and "clarifying".

We had a great weekend in Franklin. Brad was able to go turkey hunting, but there is nothing in the freezer to show for his time in the woods. That is okay because the previous two turkeys are still in the freezer as I am not going to cook or eat a "wild" turkey. I am not sure the difference but in my mind a turkey prepared in a nice sanitized processing plant is much better than a turkey "dressed" out in a field. John and Molly loved being the center of attention with granddaddy and gran (or ni-ni as Molly calls her) and I enjoyed sleeping in while mom and dad took care of the morning milks. We will post soon with pictures.